Initial Project Posting

This is the first posting of this blog covering my senior design project. So far I have determined that I'm going to be testing a few different brands of usb flash drives for their durability and then reporting on my findings.

As a person who goes to school for a technical major, I use computers quite often for my school work. Whether it's email, working in groups for a project, submitting assignments online, or transferring files to be printed. One of the important, yet underestimated, computer accessories in my opinion is the usb flash drive. They're small, relatively large capacity (for most office suite, music, or image files), and are solid state so there is no risk of ruining internal moving parts as in a traditional hard drive. However, they must have a breaking point.

I'm a surfer, rock climber, runner, soccer player and cyclist and just general love being in the outdoors and/or being active. This can sometimes be detrimental to my electronics. For example, a few years ago i carried around a 1gb usb flash drive on my key chain and after only a few months the cover had come off and been lost and it eventually stopped working. I can only assume it was from the impact of being on my key chain 24/7 or from debris that may have gotten on the contact surface since losing the cap.

That being said, the testing I will be doing will be 'real world' testing. I will put these flash drives into situation that could actually occur and probably do on a regular basis.

Right now, I'm still writing my proposal and report, but it will be posted here when done.
Stay tuned for more information.